infectgallerythumb.jpg Infected Mushroom, Sunday January 25th, 2004 at the Plaza Nightclub
Wow, what a show. Extra special thanks to Eres and Duvdev for the amazing music! More thanks go to Juleika and Tristan at the Plaza, Triton for taking so many wonderful pictures (you're looking at them!), Graham for helping out on the day of... And of course all who made it out to make this such a wonderful event. Kudos to Isaac, AKA: Cheeky Devil for partnering up with us to make this show happen. Ron, Melissa and Stephanie down in Hollywood from Coast to Coast Entertainment , Paula from Human Rescource Canada for all the help with the work permits. James from Katalyst Events over in Calgary for your help and of course all the staff at the Plaza Nightclub Thier we're so many people who made this show happen, thanks to all of you...

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